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编号 标题 上传人 点击次数
73 SeqCode: a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data 吴敏  4610
72 Microbial Taxonomy Run Amok 吴敏  683
71 Illuminating the first bacteria -A new analysis aims to uncover the root of the bacterial tree of life 吴敏  478
70 A rooted phylogeny resolves early bacterial evolution 吴敏  558
69 Metatranscriptomic and comparative genomic insights into resuscitation mechanisms during enrichment culturing 吴敏  650
68 Strategies for culturing active/dormant marine microbes 吴敏  286
67 Genomic and transcriptomic evidence of light-sensing, porphyrin biosynthesis, Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle, and urea production in Bathyarchaeota 吴敏  366
66 Adaptive protein evolution at the adh locus in drosophila 韩帅波  176
65 Slightly deleterious mutation substitutions in evolution 韩帅波  196
64 Protein polymorphism as a phase of molecular evolution 韩帅波  328
63 Evolutionary rate at the molecular level 韩帅波  367
62 Nucleotide polymorphism at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus of Drosophila melanogaster 韩帅波  174
61 Evolution and Tinkering 韩帅波  1929
60 The hitch-hiking effect of a favourable gene 韩帅波  172
59 On the probability of fixation of mutant genes in a population 韩帅波  184
58 Figures:Roadmap for naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria 吴敏  243
57 Roadmap for naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria 吴敏  749
56 植物根系如何允许有益微生物定植的 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  8
55 Upregulation and Identification of Antibiotic Activityof a Marine-DerivedStreptomycessp. via Co-Cultureswith Human Pathogens 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  189
54 New metabolites from the co-culture of marine-derived actinomycete 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  178
53 Genome Mining of Streptomyces atratus 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  175
52 Novel antibiotic screening methods to awaken silent or cryptic secondary metabolic pathways in actinomycetes 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  176
51 天然产物的探索和基因组挖掘 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  189
50 用DBTL周期分析微生物组功能 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  251
49 植物叶际微生物群稳态维持研究获进展 努斯热提古丽·安外尔  478